SNL Season 42: Margot Robbie - The Librarian
Jeremy Duncan ..... Bobby Moynihan
Ms. Dalton ..... Margot Robbie
Dana ..... Kyle Mooney
Fishman ..... Kenan Thompson
Student 1 ..... Mikey Day
Student 2 ...... Alex Moffatt
[Opens to Villines Academy's library]
[A student is sitting with his headphone on and a book opened in front of him. He is staring at the Ms. Dalton, the librarian]
[his group of friends come over to his table]
Dana: [One of them slaps Duncan's forehead] Snap out of it, Duncan!
Jeremy Duncan: Ow! Come on!
Fishman: Moon over Ms. Dalton again?
Jeremy Duncan: Shut up, Fishman!
Student 1: I heard Ms. Dalton hooked up with a student once.
Student 2: Ho...
Jeremy Duncan: Oh man, she's so hot.
Dana: [mimicking Duncan] Oh, she's so hot - [slaps on Duncan's forehead again]
Jeremy Duncan: Ow!
[The whole table laughs]
Jeremy Duncan: Come on, man. Don't be an anus, Dana!
[Ms. Dalton comes over and slams a thick book on their table]
Ms. Dalton: Shhhhh.....[Turns and walk away]
Jeremy Duncan: Woah...
Student 2: Ask her out, Jeremy.
Jeremy Duncan: No way.
Fishman: Hey, Ms. Dalton.
Jeremy Duncan: Shut up!
Fishman: Jeremy thinks you're hot.
Jeremy Duncan: Shut up, Fishman! What are you doing?
Ms. Dalton: Is that true, Jeremy?
Jeremy Duncan: Um - no - it - no. I'm [sigh] I mean, yeah.
Ms. Dalton: [Walks towards their table] Well, Jeremy. What are you going to do about it?
[Ms. Dalton throws away her reading glasses]
Jeremy Duncan: [In slow motion] Oh, yeah!
[Ms. Dalton throws away her cardigan, bites her lips and plays with the ribbon on her blouse]
Student 1: [In slow motion] Oh, yeah!
[Ms. Dalton lifts up her skirt to reveal a white pantyhose]
Fishman: [In slow motion] Oh, yeah!
[Ms. Dalton takes off her hair bun and lets her hair free]
Student 2: Yeah!
[Ms. Dalton plays with her hair]
Dana: [In slow motion] So beautiful.
[Ms. Dalton keeps playing with her hair until a few clump of the hair fell off]
[The students get uncomfortable with the sight]
Jeremy Duncan: [In slow motion] Oh, no!
[Ms. Dalton shakes her head that is balding]
[Fishman caught a clump of her hair]
Student 1: [In slow motion] Oh, no!
[Ms. Dalton peels off a banana]
[Jeremy Duncan nods his head]
[Ms. Dalton throws the banana away and ate the peel]
Jeremy Duncan: [In slow motion while shaking his head] Oh, no.
[Ms. Duncan sucks on a tootsie pop]
[Dana nods his head, clearly enjoying the sight]
[Ms. Dalton swallows the whole tootsie pop including the stick]
Dana: [In slow motion] Not the stick!
[Ms. Dalton takes off her falsies to reveal a set of crooked and damaged upper teeth]
Fishman: [In slow motion] What is happening.
[Ms. Dalton lifts her blouse and reveal a then Haley Joel Osment tattoo]
Jeremy Duncan: [In slow motion] Haley Joel Osment?
[Ms. Dalton lifts another side of her blouse and reveal a now Haley Joel Osment tattoo]
Student 1: [In slow motion] Haley Joel Osment now?
[Ms. Dalton walks over to another female employee]
[Student 2 got her attention]
[Ms. Dalton pretends to kiss the employee]
[Fishman nods in approval]
[Ms. Dalton breaks the employee's neck with a snap]
[Fishman was completely shocked at the sight]
[Ms. Dalton drags the employee body to hide]
Fishman: [In slow motion] Straight up murder?
[Ms. Dalton dances alone]
[A guy with a long blonde hair and a snake around his snake appear to dance with Ms. Dalton]
Student2: [In slow motion] Who is this guy now?
[Dana is disgusted by the scene]
[Ms. Dalton walks over to the boys' table]
[Jeremy Duncan was petrified by Ms. Dalton]
[Ms.Dalton crawls over the table]
[Jeremy Duncan was disgusted]
[Ms. Dalton keeps crawling across the table towards Jeremy Duncan]
[Jeremy Duncan gets more terrified]
[Ms. Dalton reaches Jeremy Duncan and let out her snake-like tongue and licks Jeremy Duncan's face]
[Her saliva drips on the table and the saliva irritated the table]
[Ms. Dalton sits up and open her blouse]
[The boys appear wearing sunglasses before lowering them to look at Ms. Dalton]
The Boys: [In slow motion] Oh, yeah!
[The boys' heads explode]
All credits go to SNL and NBC.
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